Last week, I was visiting a local park on Vancouver Island, it has a suspension bridge, and while I was walking down the slope on the swaying bridge, I felt the movements of my own steps and others, it made me feel a little queasy. I walked down to a couple, he was behind her, while she was hanging on tight to the cage wire, while trying to walk, I stopped and said to her, look up to where you want to go, and start walking, she said that the sweat was running down her back, and I said, yes, I feel that too. Let's walk together, and we walked and then I told her that she was already walking 10 x faster than when I met her, then I told her to keep focusing on the target, to look at it and let go of the side of the bridge, and just walk, we came to the upswing of the bridge and she basically ran to the platform. Isn't that like life sometimes? We know what we want, yet we are fearful how to get there, and we stop looking at the goal that we want to achieve, and we get distracted by fears or think about easier things to do instead, or we stop all together and give up on our idea. Don't give up, stay focused on your goal, to reach the platform!