Stress … Stress … STRess … STREss … STRESs … STRESSSSSSSSSS!

I want to be free of stress, stress free is that too much to ask?

Let’s think about that for a moment ….

Is there such a thing? Can we be stress free, is that even possible in life?

Have you ever talked to people that said that, that they are stress free, or that they don’t feel stress any more, or that stress doesn’t bother them at all?

Now I know that some people believe that if you don’t think about it, it is not there. Or they seem to be unaware of certain stresses in their life, or perhaps they have been ignoring stressful signs on purpose. Or perhaps someone has been able to let go of some major stresses and is experiencing a sense of freedom, an euphoria of sorts, temporary as it is, and now is able to see more clearly, to experience life to its fullest again for the moment.

I have thought about that for a while, and I have come to the conclusion there is not a moment in our life time, that is stress free, unless there is no more life within us.

Stress is a true sign of being alive, even when death is upon us, there is stress to experience.

Our whole journey of life is stressful, from birth till the moment we pass away, from our conscious mind to our subconscious dreams, from our life in general to our biology. For example, when a cell in our body can’t get the nutrients that it needs it is in distress, in fact it is needy, like you are feeling faint when you haven’t eaten for a while. Or when our mind is missing some information on a subject, it sends out stress signals like, I need more INFO!!!!!

Yet, what makes people fear stress? What is it about being stressed out that is so hard to handle for some in certain situations and less for others? And please note that not one person in this world has the same stresses, as we are all unique beings, unique situations, therefor we also have unique stresses that challenge us from time to time.

What might stress you out, might not have the same effect on me and vice versa.

So, what is there to do, what can be done to lower our anxiety about feeling stressed, what can I do?

Is there a solution? Is there another option?

I believe that there is something that I can do to lower my anxiety, or fear of stress.

Perhaps we need to see “stress” as a friend, a constant companion, it is a part of us that comes to us from time to time within our conscious mind just to say hello, hi, this is stress; hi, yes we have met before, I was there when you were born, I have something new for you to look at, or perhaps, last time you thought you fixed it, however I thought you could use more training to get better at this situation, you know. It is all good, it is for the future, trust me.

When we start to embrace the stresses in our lives, and see it as a friend rather that a foe, to use as a tool to get to know ourselves better, how we interact with our loved ones, our colleagues, our friends and family and our community at large, then we can we experience life more fuller, more fulfilling.