Stress, stressful, stressing out, stressed out, a brain fog full of confusion

Stress-Burnout-PTSD-Job Burnout-Compassion Fatigue

Differentiation between definitions & symptoms

Stress Definition:

A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances

Stress Symptoms:

Depression or general unhappiness, anxiety and agitation, moodiness, irritability, or anger, feeling overwhelmed, loneliness and isolation.

Burnout Definition:

A physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress

Burnout Symptoms:

Chronic fatigue. Have a lack of energy and feel tired most days, insomnia, forgetfulness or impaired concentration and attention, physical symptoms, increased illness, loss of appetite, anxiety, and depression.

Fatigue Definition:

Extreme tiredness, typically resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.

Fatigue Symptoms:

Chronic tiredness or sleepiness, headache, dizziness, sore or aching muscles, muscle weakness, slowed reflexes and responses, impaired decision-making and judgement, moodiness, such as irritability.

Compassion Fatigue Definition:

The physical, mental, emotional exhaustion, experienced over extended period of while in a caregiver role to those that are sick or are coping with trauma

Compassion Fatigue Symptoms:

Chronic physical and emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, feelings of indifference towards others’ situations or oneself’. Irritability, feelings of self-contempt, insomnia, excessive weight loss or weight gain, chronic headaches.

Secondary Trauma Stress (STS) Definition:

The emotional duress that results when an individual hears about the first-hand trauma experiences of another person.

Secondary Trauma Stress (STS) Symptoms:

Exhaustion, insomnia, frequent headaches, increased susceptibility to illness, sore back and neck, irritable bowel, GI distress, skin rashes, skin breakouts, grinding teeth at night, heart palpitations, increased use of D&A, increased signs of anger and irritability at home/work, isolation, binging, avoiding contact or follow up, avoid noise and meetings, family gatherings, negative venting, thoughts of quitting.


PTSD Definition:

A mental state that may overtime turn into a disorder, which can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event, such as a sexual assault, a car accident or during warfare.

PTSD Symptoms:

A person persistently avoids trauma-related thoughts and emotions, discussion of the traumatic event, possible amnesia of the event. However, the event is commonly relived by the individual through intrusive, recurrent recollections, dissociative episodes of reliving the trauma flashbacks, and experiencing nightmares.

Job Burnout Definition:

An employee may experience lack of control over work, lack of recognition, ambiguity in job description, monotony of work, feelings of being unappreciated, feelings of inadequacy, being unable to see final result of work, chaotic or high-pressure environment, less or no engagement.

Job Burnout Symptoms:

Sudden temper outburst, lack of motivation, anxiety and panic attacks, depression, imploding or exploding behaviours.

Stress Management Definition:

Stress management is a collective of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person’s level of stress and chronic stress, for the purpose of improvement of everyday functioning

Self-care Definition:

A voluntary activity which helps maintain a person’s physical, mental or emotional well-being. It can help a person to feel healthy, relaxed and ready to take on their work and responsibilities.

John Cazander LSC APOEC

Stress Management Consultant

Help4 Hidden Disability Services


Twitter: @4everstressfree